Peachfield Burr-Deacon Barn Raising Delayed!


Saturday, November 11, 2023

11:00am - 2:00pm

Peachfield, 180 Burrs Road, Westampton, NJ 08060

Due to weather and circumstances beyond our control, the NSCDA-NJ has made the decision to postpone its Burr-Deacon Barn Raising event to Saturday, November 11, 2023 from 11am-2pm. We apologize for the delay. 


We still invite the public to be a part of this rescheduled special event, re-erecting the main section of the Burr-Deacon Barn at its new home at Peachfield where the original beams, siding, roof, and lightning rods of Phase II will be complete and on view. The Burr-Deacon Barn was originally built in 1875 on the Deacon Farm, across Burr’s Road from Peachfield, headquarters of the NSCDA-NJ. 


Original carpenter’s marks from 1875 are still clearly visible on the original beams. The NSCDA-NJ will use the Burr-Deacon Barn as a space to expand its historical and educational programming for the local community.


Light fare will be provided. On-site parking is available but limited. We welcome any partnerships with local businesses. The NSCDA-NJ is a 501(c)3 nonprofit. Contact Caroline Halfinger at or call 609-267-6996.